Connecting to a RHEL Instance
You can connect to RHEL Instances via SSH sessions using passwords (less secure) or SSH key pairs (most secure)
Connecting from a Windows Machine
To connect to your RHEL Instance from a Windows machine, you will need to use an application called PuTTy, an SSH client.
- Download and install PuTTy.
- To launch PuTTY on your computer, open the PuTTY application.
- To enter your instance’s IP address, type it in the Hostname field. Then, navigate to Connection > SSH > Auth.
- To select the private key file, click the Browse button and choose the key file you previously generated.
- To open a connection to the instance, click Open at the bottom of the screen. PuTTY will prompt you to allow the connection to the host.
- To confirm the connection, click OK, and the terminal window will appear.
- To authenticate using your SSH key, enter the default root username (root) and press Enter.
You are now connected to your Instance.
Connecting from a macOS or Linux Machine
Open any terminal program.
Enter the following command into the terminal. Make sure you replace your_private_key with the filename of your private key; your_instance_ip with the IP address of your Instance; and username with the default root user name (root).
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<your_private_key> <username>@<your_instance_ip>
When prompted, allow connection to the host by typing yes, then press Enter.
The authenticity of host 'myhost.ext (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 4f:ba:65:cf:14:64:a7:1e:b6:07:7c:00:71:95:21:fa.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
You are now connected to your Instance.